Saturday, 8 June 2013

The history of Rheostatik series (Part two : The golden age)

This time, the writer will be continue about the Rheostatik series. In 1990's century over Public Railway Corporation under control, this series have 3 sub class, economic class (All Rheostatik Mild Steel Body sets and fewer Stainless Steel Body sets), business class (Mostly in Batch 1986 - 1987) and executive class (KL1 86102F). The economic class are cheaper fares in Jabodebek (JAkarta BOgor DEpok BEKasi) train system which using Rheostatik Series (Batch 1976, 1978, 1983, 1984, fewer batch 1986 and 1987), ABB-Hyundai series (Present this series was converted to DMU'S and operating in Surabaya commuter train system on Surabaya - Sidoarjo route) and BN-Holec series (Present mostly was converted to DMU'S, and scrap in Manggarai Workshop. Some units will be get refurbishment program). Here some photos from senior railfans in Indonesia and Mr Seiji Takahashi ( :
A. Economic class
Rheostatik series Batch 1976 in Red-Blue with white stripe scheme (Courtesy Mr Seiji Takahashi)
Rheostatik series Batch 1976 and batch 1978 / 1983 / 1984 in green-white with light blue and dark blue stripe scheme (Courtesy Mr Indra Krishnamurti)
Rheostatik series Batch 1978 / 1983 / 1984 in Red-Blue with white stripe scheme (Courtesy Mr Seiji Takahashi)
Rheostatik series Batch 1978 / 1983 / 1984 in green-white with light blue and dark blue stripe scheme (Courtesy Mr Satrio Wibowo)
Rheostatik series Batch 1986 / 1987 in red-white-blue stripe scheme (Courtesy Mr Satrio Wibowo)
Rheostatik series Batch 1986 / 1987  in green-white-blue stripe scheme, note in this photos, this series of batch 1986 / 1987 was downgraded to economic class (Courtesy Unknown)
B. Business Class
Rheostatik series Batch 1986 / 1987 without antlers in green-white-blue stripe scheme (Courtesy Mr Satrio Wibowo)
 Rheostatik series Batch 1986 / 1987  in green-white-blue stripe scheme (Courtesy Mr Iwan Santoso)
C. Executive class
The sole of Rheostatik series with Air Conditioner, KL1 86102F (Present KL3 86114F which the new number still did known) (Courtesy Mr Satrio Wibowo)
Later, most batch 1986 and 1987 which have business class was all downgraded to economic class in early 2000's, and this history will be continued in a days later. Thank you

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