Saturday, 25 May 2013

Introduction about my activation in Youth Red Cross Junior High School 8 Jakarta

In this today, the writer will be share about my experience in Youth Red Cross Junior High School 8 Jakarta. The story begin in July 2012 when the writer start the eight grade. The writer looking a challenge in my life, especially about human health. When the writer in seven grade, the writer know about cigarette and drugs danger for human and in eight grade the writer select next path, the Youth Red Cross Junior. In December 2012, shortly about semester exam, the inauguration about new members the Youth Red Cross Junior is started.

Andi Besse, a seven grade students along with the writer was a new member in Youth Red Cross.
Kakak Icha, was a senior member in Youth Red Cross Junior High School 8 Jakarta along with Kakak Adit (Left of her, the writer don't he was school from where when he still Junior High School).

NOTE : When inauguration still under process, all of the new members cellular phone was taken by senior member and giving back to owner next morning after inauguration and the writer cannot take a photos all of this event.

In today, the writer a junior member and another passed the inauguration (because all new members name tag was heavily damage). Here the writer give a photos about my activity in Youth Red Cross :
                                                   The senior members and junior members.
                                     The cooking event and all members was eating it except the writer
Escorting the junior and senior members to Senior High School 79, the event is the 'LOKASI' and this event about competition Youth Red Cross in some sector, but the result all of sectors our Youth Red Cross is lost

Next post about Youth Red Cross is the contest Youth Red Cross in Senior High School 79
Erratum since June 2 2013 : In picture showed Kak Adit while the writer inauguration, right of he is Kak Ika, not Kak Icha.  The writer will trust you are not in too much misunderstanding about the text since the writer posted this post on May 25  2013. Thank you                    

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