Wednesday, 29 May 2013

All About the Rheostatik Series

In this today, the writer talk about the Rheostatik EMU'S, a economic train who debuted in 1976's. The Rheostatik series have extensive of 20.000 mm, have width of 2.990 mm and have height of 3.755 mm. Acceleration of this train are 2.0 km/h/second, and deceleration are 2,9 km/h/second and emergency brakes are 3,7 km/h/second. This series are compatible all lines of the heart of Jakarta City and some suburbs like Tangerang line (Operation was ceased), Serpong line (Operation was ceased), Bekasi line and Bogor line. This series using diamond shape pantograph style and need 1.500 volts to operate this series. A total of 120 units of this series. The first batch is batch 1976 (Numbered KL3 76102F to KL3 76120F) have 2 doors and using mild steel body. This is the first generation of this series
                                   This is the first generation of Rheostatik Series, batch 1976 (on this photograph showed KL3 76112F 
The next generation / batch is batch 1978 (Numbered KL3 78102F to KL3 78120F), have 3 doors and using mild steel body.
 This is second generation of Rheostatik 
Series, batch 1978 (on this photograph 
showed an refurbish Rheostatik series 
which called 'Rheostatik Marcopolo', 
actually is KL3 78112F)
Another refurbish Rheostatik series which called 
'Djoko Lelono 1', actually is KL3 78114F
An original second generation Rheostatik series, KL3 78116F
The next generation / batch is batch 1983 which are same like second generation (Numbered KL3 83102F to KL3 83124F)
This is third generation of Rheostatik series, the picture showed a third
generation of Rheostatik series, K3 1 83 10F (New number) / KL3 83110F
The next generation also the last generation of Rheostatik series using mild steel boy is batch 1984, It's same design like second and third generation (Numbered KL3 84102F to KL3 84116F) .
This is fourth generation of Rheostatik series, the picture showed a fourth
generation of Rheostatik series, KL3 84102F
The next generation is batch 1986 and 1987 which are differently from 1976 - 1984 generation. This generation using stainless steel body and have 3 doors (Numbered KL3 86102F to KL3 86120F, for batch 1987 it's numbered KL3 87102F to KL3 87120F)
This is fifth generation of Rheostatik series, the picture showed a fifth
generation of Rheostatik series, K3 1 86 11F (New number)
This is sixth generation of Rheostatik series, the picture showed a sixth
generation of Rheostatik series, KL3 87108F
This topic will be continued in next day about history of this series.

(5-18-2013) First day to ride 6105F

In this time, the writer will be post about first time the writer meet a unique 6000 series ex Tokyo Metro, 6105F ! It's means he was only Tokyo Metro 6000 series in PT.KCJ fleet using door chime. This events was happened after a contest in Senior High School 79, South Jakarta. The writer plan is meet and ride 6105F and the writer will go to Bojong Gede first. From Senior High School 79, South Jakarta to Tebet station, take a microbus number 44, and get off at grade crossing near Tebet station. The writer take 8500 series (8610F) ex Tokyu Corporation to Bojong Gede.
Tokyu 8500 series set 8610F, shortly after getting off from 8610F, taken in Bojong Gede
After getting off from the train, the writer decided to back to Manggarai station. Before that, the writer buy a meal to fill the writer stomach. You can buy that meal in Indomaret store, buy a hamburger / sandwich with additional price IDR 13.000. Shortly after eat a meal, the writer get ready to take a 05 series (05-105F) to Depok which in Depok the writer switch the train to 6000 series.
Tokyo Metro 05 Series set 05-105F, taken in Bojong Gede
In Depok station, the writer amazingly see 6105F and the writer was happy, here a picture of 6105F
 Interior of 6905
Have a LED screen above passenger door.
NOTICE : The LED screen above passenger door of Tokyo Metro 6000 series it's only can see in 6103F - 6105F, 6108F, 6110F, 6116F, 6122F, 6124F, 6128F - 6132F, and 6135F sets.

Ok, the next post is introducing the Rheostatik series EMU'S which have a several production time line. 
Bonus :
Argo Sindoro train take a Nusantara train, taken in Manggarai station

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Insiden Singapore Airlines Nomor Penerbangan 308

Pada hari ini, penulis mendapat informasi bahwa sekitar tanggal 26 Mei yang lalu sebuah A380-800 milik Singapore Airlines (9V-SKH) mengalami guncangan yang disebabkan pergolakan angin hingga pesawat turun sekitar 100 feet, namun pesawat melanjutkan perjalanan ke London Heatrow dengan selamat. Dalam kejadian ini, 7 orang mengalami cedera dan kejadian saat para pramugari memberi sarapan pagi pada penumpang dipesawat. Foto dari aviation herald
                                         Kontribusi gambar / Picture Courtesy : Mr. Alan Cross
Sumber / Source :

Sunday, 26 May 2013

(5-18-2013) Lomba 'Lokasi' di SMA 79

Kali ini, penulis akan memberi gambaran tentang lomba di SMA 79, Jakarta Selatan pada tanggal 18 Mei 2013. Lomba tersebut adalah lomba Palang Merah Remaja yang dimana ada lomba tandu, KPM, Poster, Madding, membaca puisi serta PRS, namun karena teman - teman penulis sendiri adalah tingkat SMP maka tim PMR SMP Negeri 8 Jakarta hanya mengikuti lomba KPM, Madding, Poster dan membaca puisi (sebenarnya tim PMR Sekolah penulis juga terlibat lomba tandu namun lokasi lomba tandu yang diikuti teman penulis sendiri beda tempat). Jumlah peserta lomba dari sekolah penulis di SMA 79 hanya beberapa orang diantaranya Irnawati (Kelas 8.2, Madding ), Icha (Kelas 8.1, KPM), Veren (Kelas 8.2, Madding), Andi Besse (Kelas 7.5, membaca puisi), Jessica (Kelas 8.2, poster), Amanda (Kelas 8.1, KPM), Eva (Kelas 8.1, KPM), dan 1 teman penulis yang tidak diketahui namanya namun ia mengikuti lomba Madding. Kronologi dimulai saat kami menaiki mobil antaran ke SMA 79, dan penulis memberi foto saat perjalanan ke SMA 79.
                                                 Saat dalam perjalanan menuju SMA 79
Kami baru tiba sekitar jam 8 kurang dan ternyata kuitansi kami masih di ketua PMR SMP Negeri 8, dan setelah itu kuitansi sudah diambil dalam beberapa waktu kemudian. Menunggu lomba dimulai, kami upacara terlebih dahulu namun karena area lapangan sekolah SMA 79 kurang luas maka tim PMR kami tidak bisa mengikuti upacara dan beberapa sekolah yang ikut lomba juga mengalami hal seperti itu. Beberapa foto yaang diambil oleh penulis saat tiba di SMA 79 hingga lomba dimulai :
                                                                     Ini dia, SMA 79
                                                         Yang mau lomba, daftar dulu
                                           Ada kounter Hoka-Hoka bento nih, tapi sayang uangnya pas-pasan
                                                                 Kounter Cerebrovit
                                        Eeee ? Kok ada tandu melayang ? Tidak melayang, diikat tali
                                                             Peserta lombanya banyak
Tim PMR SMP Negeri 8 tampak siap untuk upacara tapi sayang terpaksa tidak ikut upacara oleh panitia lomba karena lapangan kurang cukup untuk semua peserta untuk upacara
                                                           Paduan Suaranya SMA 79
                             Ada artis yang terkenal di SMA 79 mau nyanyi dulu sebelum upacara
Upacara berlangsung khidmat meski sebagaian perta lomba lainnya tidak bisa melakukannya akibat terbatasanya kapasitas dilapangan sekolah
                                                           Kepala Sekolah SMA 79
                                                                   Istirahat ditempat
                                         Salah satu orang PMI juga menyaksikan lomba di SMA 79
                                                                  Lomba siap dimulai
                                        Tari daerah yang ditampilkan remaja wanita SMA 79
Ini dia, tim PMR SMPN 8, dari kiri kekanan : Eva, Kak Marsha (Tidak ikut lomba), Irna, Amanda, nama tidak diketahui (entah siapa namanya), dan Andi Besse
                                                              Pencak silatnya SMA 79
                                                             Takewondonya SMA 79
                                                       Ciat, ciat. Lomba tandu dimulai

Beberapa koleksi beharga tentang Palang Merah Remaja tapi ngak beli karena uang pas-pasan
                                                          Hiburan musik dari SMA 79
                                                      Hasil Madding SMPN 8 Jakarta
Setelah itu, penulis akan melanjutkan perjalanan yakni ke Bojong Gede dan akan dibahas pada post berikutnya dan tambahan foto dari penulis :
                                Eeee ? Hasil huntingnya Bang Badia muncul dibuku Bahasa Inggris ?

(3-30-2013) Last Ride Local non Air Conditioner train on Serpong Line

Hi, in this today the writer share about the joyride with the local train in Serpong line shortly before replace with Commuter Line class (Local with Air Conditioner train). The writer planning to there take train from Cikini and later take another train from Bogor to Tanah Abang and later riding train to Serpong. Here some photos the writer taken in Cikini Station
                                         Series 203 (203-106F / MaTo 66) ex Japan Railway East
                                                        Series 6000 (6168F) ex Toei Subway
                                                   Series 8000 (8003F) ex Tokyu Corporation
                                                      Argo Sindoro Train pass Cikini station
Later the writer take Local non Air Conditioner train bound for Bogor but the writer get off from the train in Manggarai station
 Inside the train local non Air Conditioner bound for Bogor, take look of 05-810 cars its seems covered with Nu Milk Tea advertisement 
After getting off from the train, the writer must buy a ticket Local non Air Conditioner to Serpong and take transfers in Tanah Abang station, here some picture in Manggarai station
                                                 Series 8500 (8608F) ex Tokyu Corporation
                                    Take closer look of 05-810 with Nu Milk Tea advertisement
                                                      Series 6000 (6278F) ex Toei Subway
After take a photos and doing dzuhur prayer in Manggarai station, the writer take local non Air Conditioner bound for Jatinegara via Tanah Abang - Kampung Bandan - Kemayoran and later it's ready for the last joyride with local non Air Conditioner Tanah Abang - Serpong. Here a photos while the writer to Serpong back from there
                                                         Rheostatik Series (KL3 84102)
                                                    Series 6000 (6288F) ex Toei Subway
                                                      Series 6000 (6125F) ex Tokyo Metro
       Allahamdulillah, the builder license still there, it's means 6125F build in Showa Year 56 (Year 1981)
                                     Inside local non Air Conditioner train bound to Tanah Abang
Today, there no more local non Air Conditioner train again in Serpong line and replaced by local Commuter Line train, and this is my last capture with he. Arigato Futsu non AC-sen .......