Thursday, 25 July 2013

Petikan dari tanggal 24 Juli 2013

Pada tanggal 24 Juli,  sudah berakhir operasi KRL Ekonomi dan Bandara Polonia, Medan Sumatra Utara untuk terakhir kalinya namun belum lagi tanggal 24 menjadi hari kelabu dimana KA Super cepat Alvia trayek Madrid ke Ferrol mengalami PLH dan menewaskan 77 orang (termasuk 4 kru KA). Berikut sajian artikel ini tentang flasback tanggal 24 Juli 2013 :

1. Last run KRL Ekonomi
Pada tanggal 24 Juli 2013 inilah menjadi hari terakhir KRL Ekonomi karena mengingat tinggal beberapa set yang berdinas pada hari itu juga. Penulis pun akan memberi gambaran rangkaian KRL ketika hari terakhir KRL Ekonomi berdinas :
Jalur Jakarta Kota - Bekasi :
KL3 97216F + KL3 97204F (KRL Hitachi)

Jalur Bogor - Jakarta Kota / Tanah Abang - Duri - Kampung Bandan - Jatinegara :
KL3 8x1xxF + KL3 84108F (KRL Rheostatik)

電車のエコノミークラスをありがとう!(1976 - 2013
2. Last operation Polonia International Airport
 Tepat bersamaan dengan last run KRL Ekonomi, bandara Polonia akan ditutup dan semua penerbangan ke Sumatra Utara diahlikan ke bandara Kuala Namu. Pemindahan ini semula akibat kecelakaan pesawat Mandala Boeing 737-200 tujuan Bandara Soekarno-Hatta (Jakarta) pada tanggal 5 September 2005 hingga membuat 104 orang meninggal dunia termasuk 49 orang ditempat kecelakaan, 17 orang selamat dari kecelakaan tersebut.
 PK-RIM, pesawat yang mengalami kecelakaan di Sumatra Utara pada tanggal 5 September 2005 (Sumber : Mr YK,
ポロニア国際空港は、私たちはあなたを欠場することになる... (Sumber : Mr Dhimas Sanjaya,
3. PLH KA super cepat di Spanyol
Selain 2 kejadian yang bersejarah pada tanggal 24 Juli 2013 di Indonesia namun 1 tragedi kelabu terjadi di Spanyol, sebuah kereta api super cepat anjlok sebelum masuk stasiun Santiago de Compostela, 77 penumpang tewas termasuk 4 kru KA juga tewas, 126 orang mengalami luka. Pada kejadian tersebut KA super cepat tersebut menggunnakan seri RENFE 130 (Batch nomor 730). Saat ini kecelakaan KA ini didigua melebihi taspat sebelum masuk stasiun.
Sisa - sisa rangkaian ka super cepat Alvia yang mengalami PLH sebelum masuk stasiun
Santiago de Compostela (Sumber gambar : )
Bonus : Pada hari ini (25 Juli 2013), KRL Toyo Rapid 1081F menglami korsleting di stasiun Depok Lama, salah satu komponen kereta menglami korslet hingga mengakibatkan kebakaran 
Toyo Rapid 1081F yang mengalami kebakaran komponen akibat korslet disalah satu komponen salah satu kereta, kejadian terjadi distasiun Depok Lama (Sumber : Facebook, grup KRL Mania)

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

KL3 76112F will be threatened for scraping ?

Well, yesterday a my friend in Facebook from PT.KAI say the KL3 76112F will be scrap in Purwakarta and take to there in a few days, luckily i have a more photos about that set. Here, a some archive of the KL3 76112F Photograph :

KL3 76112F leaving Tanah Abang station bound for Serpong
KL3 76112F arrive Manggarai station bound for Bogor
KL3 76112F leaving Duri station bound for Bogor (look in the picture, KL3 86104F was coupled with KL3 76112F when i took picture)
KL3 76112F arrive Manggarai station, waiting departure time bound for Jakarta Kota.
Well, the last picture i took it when i hunting in Manggarai station after visit Jakarta Monorail mock up (build by CNR, wiil be discussed after second part visit the Jakarta Monorails Exhibition) and last time i take photograph with him, sayonara KL3 76112F, we will be miss you ........

Thursday, 18 July 2013

BREAKING NEWS : 2 sets Rheostatik series taken to Puwarkarta

Shortly night ago (17 July), i receive a news about 2 rheostatik EMU's will be scrap. This train was a rheostatik series who just staying in Manggarai Workshop in a month, later scrapped in Purwakarta. The Rheostatik series who just will be scrapped are KL3 84112F and KL3 78112F, here a formation that sets :
KL3 84112F : 

KL3 83114 
KL3 78103
KL3 83101
KL3 84112

KL3 78112F :
KL3 78118
KL3 83113
KL3 76103
KL3 83124
Both sets will be scrapped in Purwakarta because this sets have a rumor about they performance did not well and stall in a way to detestation. Here, both my friends take the photos about this sets :
 KL3 78118F & KL3 84112F will be take to Purwakarta at 10 PM with a CC201 (GE U18C) Locomotive to help the processing to deliver the unused Rheostatik EMU'S to Purwakarta (Source : Mr Gausul Fardi Hakim)
KL3 84112F at Purwakarta (Source : Mr Khairul Rahman, you can see the owner photos at watermark photos)
ありがとう KL3 84112F & KL3 78118F ............

Sunday, 14 July 2013

All About Jakarta Monorail - PART 1

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan (For Islam) and welcome (For Non-Islam), in this today i will posted about the Jakarta Monorail Exhibition which started in 23 June to 14 July 2013 but i visit there in 3 times (one in under construction, one in a inauguration, and one after it). Here we go for first part.

On June 21 2013, i was athletics in Lapangan Banteng, and that day both friends from school to Lapangan Banteng too because some students was not get a value in last exam of sport class. The test take a long jump and i made it, here a photos in that day :
My friend, Farid get ready to jump over dirt
Right after that, i remember heard a mock up monorail in Monas (Museum Nasional) from internet in i get to there. On my way to there i get some photograph the Electric train from below elevated track :
Tokyo Metro 05 series (05-102F or 05-108F ? Because i forget about the timeline)
Japan Railway East 203 Series (203-106F / MaTo 66F)
Shortly after small hunting the two ex Japanese train, i take a photograph of new fleet bus of Kopaja and the new bus are compatibility with transjakarta busway stop, here a picture about it :
A new fleet of Kopaja bus
After that i walked to the Jakarta Monorail Exhibition place but it's still under construction. Here a some photograph about it :
Jakarta Monorail mock up (Built By China CNR Corporation)
The International Soekarno-Hatta Airport Automated People Mover Monorail still covered (Built by INKA)
The Automatic Container Transporter Monorail for Surabaya (Built by INKA)
The monorail model station (Possibly it will be used in Jakarta Monorail network)

Next time, i will continue about the Jakarta Monorail topics, i'm sorry because i forget to take the photograph of Jakarta Monorail built by PT.INKA while the Exhibit still under construction, but i get the picture of Jakarta Monorail built by INKA while the inauguration of exhibit.